Teck Guan Cocoa Village @ Tawau
As Cocoa’s main producer and distributor in Sabah, you can’t miss the opportunity to visit Teck Guan’s Cocoa Village and its Cocoa Museum while in Tawau!
It should be noted that Teck Guan’s Cocoa Village is approximately 1 hour away from its Cocoa Museum in Tawau Town. Located in Quion Hill, it is not just chocolate affairs here but an exciting place for leisure, adventure activities and dine-in at their restaurant.
Many have also made the Teck Guan Cocoa Village the venue for their private functions, such as weddings, birthdays and company events.
Another highlight at Teck Guan Cocoa Village is the chance to do their trekking package to Cocoa Culture Spring. The natural columnar basalt rock can be seen here.
***Entrance fee is applicable
***Prior reservation is recommended.
Contact information:
Teck Guan Cocoa Village
Quion Hill, Miles 30 Balung Apas, 91000 Tawau,Sabah.
- +60 16 826 9579
- +60 89 772 277
- cocoavillage@teckguan.com
- https://web.facebook.com/cocoavillagetawau/?hc_ref=ARR1KEv9YAD5Bky-VRNH4s4GK1aD_Oo6ouHPg4oT7lYeS7sGGXc8_UNMJJyHA8skmV0&fref=nf&__tn__=kC-R